Our special guest

We are flattered to announce that Kayak Ways is coming to our second sea kayak Symposium at the Magellan Strait, This is great, and would like you to come and learn Greenland kayak Techniques form the best instructors, among many other activities. Sharing wonderful time with many paddlers from all over the world. Welcome everyone. Inscriptions are open. 

Description on the greenland kayak clinic
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Symposium Facebook link

Programme of 2012 symposium

September 16 (Monday)

Registration and welcome participants.

15:00 Welcome and Opening Ceremony of "Maguellan Strait Sea Kayak Symposium 2013". Cabo de Hornos Hotel. Welcome, gift-giving, speeches, presentation of special guests, cocktail and tasting wines.


September 17 (Tuesday)

By the morning. Clinics and demonstrations of techniques on the waterfront of Punta Arenas.(Clinic 1) First activity in the water, with guests and participants, to show advanced kayaking techniques.

In the afternoon. Opening the kayak Film Festival " Reel Paddling Film Festival 2013 "  Opening by Mrs. Paola Grendi Ilharreborde, Directota Magallanes Regional Museum, shows Yamana culture documentary, film shows, Coffee Break and close of the day.


September 18 (Wednesday)

Chilean Independence Day. Sculling symbolic opposite the city of Punta Arenas.

In the afternoon. (Workshop 2) kayak clinic. Special guests, "Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson"


September 19 (Thursday)

Crossing two days, south of Punta Arenas, paddling of 40-50 km total with outdoor camping.


September 20 (Friday)

Second day of journey Return to Punta Arenas.


September 21  (Saturday)

By the morning. (Workshop 3) kayak clinic. Special guests, "Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson"

In the afternoon, the second day of shows documentary kayak Film Festival, " Reel Paddling Film Festival 2013 "


At night. Closing Dinner Meeting.


Registration fee $60000.- Chilean Pesos.


Price includes all activities, not including clothes or equipment. 


Note: The program is not definitive. We can add or remove activities and reorganize the program content. 


Attached registration sheet. Send file for each participant and pay your registration fee.


Cuenta RUT: 13.168.187-9 Cristian Argel

Banco Estado

or our webpay option

(When paying, copy and send by e-mail proof of transfer)

Ficha de inscripción 2013
Ficha inscripción Encuentro Kayak 2013.d
Documento Microsoft Word 48.5 KB

2012 participants videos

2012 pictures